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Wow this one was difficult.
I’m not even sure why :(

A couple of Kickstarters caught me eye this week, one that promises to give you telekinesis, and another that promises to give you ALL the powers.

I love the idea of getting a product that interfaces the mind-reading headset with the Unreal Engine, it’s a good precedent to set for modders, and could lead to some really cool new games.

Project Awakened might seem a bit shaky, but going on what footage they have, my biggest concern is that the world they build wont be properly populated with missions, story or other content.
Infamous is a great game for both it’s powers and it’s world, where Prototype had some really cool powers, but was a bit of a let down in terms of narrative and world building.
If Project Awakened can deliver in this regard, as well as it’s promise to allow players to design their own game play, this will be a game to keep an eye on.

Hope everyone had a Happy Valentines Day, see you next time!


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