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Ah HA!
New page, gotta run, bigger news post when I get back!
Ok, here we are again.
You may notice we’re been posted on Top Web Comics!
I’m working on a voters incentive right now, but that won’t be available for a day or two, so please feel free to vote out of love instead of bribery
EDIT: Voter incentive is out now!
The vote incentives will start with character profiles, but I will be taking suggestions as they arrive.
Still waiting on a new computer, and the next few pages are a bit more intense in terms of content, so I’m going to see if I can’t figure out something to keep bringing the masses.
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On the art side of things, since the switch to colour, I’m actually having a blast making up my own ‘screen tone’-ish patterns for backgrounds, so I hope you guys are digging it too.
When you join the forums, be sure and introduce yourself, as I’ve been culling inactive accounts recently.
Big props to Sandra for art trading with me and making this awesome picture of Akaino and Anya!
You can find my half of that trade here.
I voted~~~
Good luck!
Thanks! ^_^
Be sure to vote again when the incentive comes out too!
Sweet, I have an Akaino wallpaper now.
It can’t tile very well.
Next one I release I’ll make wallpaper dimensions!