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And we’re back!
Been through the wringer these last few weeks, and it’s cost me our webcomic list ranking.
No matter though, I still have so much story left to post.
I mean, we aren’t even at the good bits yet
Oh, no, I’m like 14 days late on the comment! YAY A NEW PAGE!
Haha, I’d almost given up. D: It’s good that you’re back! Been worried. D: I like the new page! I love the random characters that are just scattered about in the background of your pages. XD
Good to see you’re still checking back on me.
I’m having a bit of a financial crisis at the moment, and have been for a while, so I obviously haven’t had much time to dedicate to the comic.
Oh, and those characters may seem random, but I’ve got some backstory for each of them.
Stay tuned!