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What kind of super-villain are you?

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10:22 pm
September 27, 2010




posts 143

Post edited 10:45 pm – September 27, 2010 by Kai

Ok kids, its 'What if' time.


Venture Brothers rules apply.

The Guild of Calamatous Intent is starting a new internship program for young super-villain hopefuls, and you are among the lucky few chosen IF you can come up with the following:


  • Supervillain name and theme, for example:

The Monarch uses butterfly themed equipment and naming conventions, with royalty theme as an after thought "Like, the King of the Butterflies!".  The Green Goblin uses pumpkin bombs, and other 'tricky' tactics, to remind one of the mischeivious nature of goblins.


  • Theme-appropriate equipment and henchmen (where applicable), ie:

The Monarch flies around in a giant cuccoon, and when he doesn't, he rides the winged, flying Monarch-mobile. He and his minions use giant butterfly wings to actually fly (althought they mostly don't) and poison/tranquiliser darts in their weaponry. Batman, although not a villain, is a stunning example of theme appropriate-wear.


  • Name one or more person(s) who have earned your hatred enough to be your arch, ie:

The Monarch's persistent hatred of Dr. Thaddeus Venture, based on some college occurance. The Venom-symbiote also hated Spider-man for rejecting the power it gave him, and sought revenge alongside Eddy Brock, who could never sell photos like Peter Parker.


I hope to see some creative stuff from you guys, extra points for providing/inspiring artwork based on your idea.






10:43 pm
September 27, 2010

Anna Felaxis



posts 7

ok… here goes.

 I am (dum dum dum…) THE BARRACUDA!!!
For inspiration think the song Barracuda by Heart.
So, my villian would wear leather and lace, whips and chains, and have a general over all sexy librarian look.

My theme is fish, so my minions are called "Minnows", however I thought Seamen would also be appropriate.
My base is a phalic looking submarine and when I'm on land I get around in a Plymouth Barracuda (Oh yes, I'm that cool. It looks super sexy in lime green!)

My weapons are the WaterBra of Devastation and the StrapOn of Revilations.

My nemisis is the steriotypical religious nut, stepford wife, anti-rock and roll person. Her name is Peggy Sue and we went to high school together.

6:51 pm
September 28, 2010


The Lair


posts 22

Super-villain name and theme:

Doctor Inferno – A mystical ice-themed
villain. Probably use mainly magic, and say "Well it makes senes if
you've read Dante's Inferno" a lot when people point out he uses ice… though I suppose magic takes a lot of study. Maybe go more with the technology that he's bought and just pretend it's magic. Either way, ice theme!

Theme Appropriate equipment and henchmen:

Glacial blue robe of power, and probably
some sort of horned crown to look extra badass. Like I said, he'd use
magic, but it would be an ice-theme. Some sort of ice sceptre/mace would
be used in combat… or maybe a lance of some kind. They're pretty cool.

My inner cabal of henchman would be named
The Seven Deadlies, and each be named after a deadly sin, and
appropriately attired. After those seven the rest would be in black and
blue, and I shall call them my Imps. He'll have some sort of
underground temple of DOOM and be generally
awesome. His minions would get around using their magic/technology based imp wings on their uniforms, except for the seven and himself, all of whom would probably have something awesome to ride… like dragons… or robot dragons… or robot demon dragons!

Name one or more person(s) who have earned your hatred enough to be your arch:

I actually see him being more of a
career villain. He'd select individuals who he saw potential in but who
are squandering it, and then he'd try to kill them in ways that'd force
them to use their natural tallents to thwart him. He'd accept his role as
the antagonist and view it as his duty to urge the hero's to expand and
grow into better people. It wouldn't be about winning, it'd be the fact
that he gets paid to be totally badass-awesom.

…though that being said, there is only
one person who has EVER earned my true and unrelenting wrath, but I
wouldn't arch him because he's the kind of guy to turn around and take
it as a compliment. It'd also be far too tempting to just kill him and thus
earn the ire of the Guild itself.


Whitefire ComixNot Quite Square

11:48 am
April 6, 2011



posts 3

Post edited 11:57 am – April 6, 2011 by Kreative_Kat

  • Supervillain name and theme, for example:

Name: The Venus Flytrap

Theme: The venus flytrap. Stealth and the element of surprise coupled with deadly results. We're talking about one of the most innocuous plants around that suddenly EATS IT'S PREY. It's the emerald assassin of the plant kingdom.

  • Theme-appropriate equipment and henchmen (where applicable), ie:

Dress is based on the red and green theme of the flytrap and the end is spiked like the jaws of the plant.

Green lipstick lined with poison (yes it's stolen from Poison Ivy, we're supervillians, you think we don't steal other villians ideas?) and red eyeshadow.

Shuriken line in the bodice of the dress.

Sharp metal spikes masquerading as chopsticks hold a bun together.

Bladed edge at the base of the dress.

Spikes concealed in heels.

Metal fan with blade edge.

Staff with blades on both ends. That's when the cover has already been blown and it's time to be really nasty. 

  • Name one or more person(s) who have earned your hatred enough to be your arch, ie:

My general enemy is the human fly. He just refuses to die and always comes within her grasp before flitting away again. He thinks he's so special just because he has a hoverpack with stupid wings stuck on it. He's a potbellied boob in black with stupid multifaceted goggles. The only reason he hasn't been squashed is his unexpected technology and surpsingly fast movements. He always looks so slow but he's never there when she lands. It's just irritating. And he always flies in just as the target is about to collapse. It's downright infuriating.


My arch enemy is the King of Cockroaches. He keeps turning up in my bathroom, laughing in my face and then scattering, leaving behind his little pestilent friends. I swear if I ever stop screaming long enough I am going to rip his head off and see if his body lives for eight days like his companions.


12:41 pm
April 6, 2011




posts 143

Haha! I love it!


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